At EduKwanza, we believe in starting early. 

Creating Champions was founded for this exact purpose. We advise families with children as young as in grade 7. Creating Champions is a first of its kind venture in Tanzania. 

While students are at school, we prepare a “Road Map to University” uniquely customized for each student. This includes one class each of extra-curricular activities as well as curriculum related courses. 

This customized road map planning and one class each will be provided FREE of charge for the student to get a taste of what these activities or courses are all about. 

It is up to them to pursue all or selective courses further. 

This customized road map, will help the students to develop their profiles and prepare them for university and eventually their career.

Embark on this journey with us and let your passion and our experience help you in building your future. 

What is a “Road Map to University” (RM2U)?

Every student is unique.

Creating Champions is a platform to address every students’ needs individually and create a tailor-made plan for them. We call this plan the “Road Map to University” or RM2U. 

The RM2U will include a set of activities, courses and tutoring classes to build on the students’ present skills and interests. They will be given a wide array of workshops to attend during their academic year, preferably in their vacations.

The RM2U is an effective, future focused, tailored plan for each student. 

Based on the age of the student, the RM2U will include some or all of the following: 

  • Hobby workshops (photography, baking, dance)
  • Summer plan (summer schools, volunteer opportunities)
  • Career exploration (internships)
  • Academic workshops (inclusive of critical thinking, college essay writing, interview preparation, public speaking, personal statement guidelines, CV/Resume creation)
  • Personal development workshops
  • Passion projects